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·China well-known place for rape Zijia  ·Watery region Shaoxing: well-known historical and cultural city  ·Modern ports of images for the Sixtieth Anniversary of People's Republic of China to celebration  ·Yuhuatai Scenic Area: democratic revolution sacred of China  ·Lijiang Heilongtan landscape in Yunnan Province  ·Wudangzhao Lamasery  ·The beauty of chrysanthemum flower in the autumn  ·Jilin city scenery  ·MT. Emei: the most famous Buddhist Mountain in China  ·Industrial theme photography  ·Guilin Wangcheng site: the best preserved Ming Dynasty China Military Governors mansion  ·underground river of Lianzhou  ·New York Metropolitan Museum of Chinese cultural relics  ·Jiuzhaigou scenery  ·The 12th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return: see the charm of Hong Kong through the lens  
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